Why Unarmed Security Services Might Be The Right Choice For Your Store

Why Unarmed Security Services Might Be The Right Choice For Your Store

Why Unarmed Security Services Might Be The Right Choice For Your Store

22 December 2021
, Blog

If you need to improve the security of your store, you might consider hiring guards from a security company. Then you'll need to decide if you want armed or unarmed security services. In many cases, unarmed guards are an ideal choice. Here's why.

Unarmed Guards Are More Affordable

While security is the most important consideration, you probably want to think about price, too. Armed guards tend to be more expensive, and the cost can add up fast and make it prohibitive to use a security service. Using unarmed guards could be best, and that doesn't necessarily mean your store will be any less secure.

Unarmed guards can still use certain kinds of force, such as pepper spray, to thwart criminals or break up violence. Ultimately, you need to consider the type of threats your store faces and if you need guards with weapons to protect your store and your customers. Your store may only need unarmed security services, but if it has received threats recently, might want armed guards for at least a while.

Unarmed Guards Can Perform Many Functions

You might want your guards to patrol the inside and outside of your store and also monitor video cameras. You don't need armed guards to watch camera monitors, so unarmed guards are a better use of your money for that purpose. Guards can be effective for monitoring your property and watching for suspicious behaviors.

Crime can happen anywhere, but if your area has a low risk of violent crimes, and you contend mostly with shoplifting, then you probably don't need armed guards. Unarmed guards can still stop theft and detain criminals for the police without the need for weapons that could escalate a situation and make matters much worse.

Armed Guards May Frighten Customers

Unless your shop is in a high-crime area and you sell expensive things such as jewelry, your customers might be frightened by the sight of armed security guards in your building. Unarmed uniformed guards could help customers feel safer without feeling like they're in danger from a possible threat.

Just having a highly visible guard in your store or patrolling the grounds is usually enough to deter criminals. The presence of a gun might cause criminals to be more violent, so carrying a weapon isn't always the best choice.

If you know you want added security, but you don't know what type of guard is right for your store, talk to the security service and explain your needs. They can explain the pros and cons of armed and unarmed security services so you make the right choice for your property and your customers. Contact an unarmed security service near you to learn more.

About Me
Security: For You, Your Home, and Your Business

It is instinctual for you to want to protect yourself, your family members, and anything that is valuable to you. Unfortunately, however, you may not be physically capable of providing that protection. That's where a security company comes in. These professionals offer a wide range of security solutions for both homes and commercial spaces. They can place cameras and monitors, connect alarms that alert the police if there is an intruder, and even send security guards out to patrol your property. We think everyone deserves to feel safe and secure, which is why we share more about security on this website.
