What Features Should You Look For In An Effective Bugged Equipment Detector?

What Features Should You Look For In An Effective Bugged Equipment Detector?

What Features Should You Look For In An Effective Bugged Equipment Detector?

27 March 2020
, Blog

Bugs used to be the domain of police forces and special intelligence agencies, but now anyone is able to buy inexpensive surveillance devices with advanced capabilities. These devices are tiny, and they're often hidden in electronic equipment—it typically makes them harder to detect.

Thankfully, you can easily scan your equipment for the presence of potential bugs by using a bugged equipment detector. What features do you need to look for in this device in order to maximize its effectiveness at sweeping for bugs? Read on to find out.

1. Wide Frequency Detection Range

Bugs work by picking up audio in the room and then broadcasting it over long distances using radio frequency waves. Bugged equipment detectors work by picking up on these radio wave broadcasts and alerting you to their presence.

However, bugs vary widely in the frequency ranges they use to broadcast information. Simple audio bugs that act like walkie-talkies tend to broadcast in low frequency ranges, whereas more advanced models use wireless frequencies.

In order to detect the greatest number of models and ensure that you don't miss anything, you'll need a bugged equipment detector with a wide frequency detection range.

Typically, a range from 1MHz to 8GHz will suffice for detecting everything that might be in your equipment. However, some bugged equipment detectors detect up to frequencies in the 10GHz range. That gives you broader detection capability to find bugs in your electronic devices.

2. Frequency Filters

It's common for electronic equipment to emit radio frequency waves of its own while it's in operation. That's why it's important to make sure it's powered off when you're checking it for bugs.

However, you may not be able to turn the equipment off in every case. If you're checking for bugs in a company's server room, for example, it's unlikely you will be able to turn off the servers until you've completed your scan.

In these instances, filters become very important. This causes the bugged equipment detector to pick up only certain frequency ranges. GSM bugs, for example, are very popular and inexpensive—they operate on cellphone frequencies, and they allow eavesdroppers to dial into them in order to listen to conversations in the room.

If a GSM bug is hiding inside a server cabinet and you're unable to turn the servers off, you may be unable to pick up on it without using a GSM filter. Filtering the signal removes extraneous radio wave noise emanating from the servers, allowing you to hone in on any bugs inside.

3. Camera Detector

Finally, bugs that pick up both audio and video are fairly common. It's useful to have the ability to quickly detect cameras in a piece of equipment, as it gives you another method to find bugs.

Camera detectors shine a bright, focused light that's reflected by the lens of the camera and picked up by a sensor on the bugged equipment detector. It doesn't rely on detecting radio signals coming from the bug, which allows it to find camera bugs that are broadcasting outside of your device's detection range.

Bugged equipment detectors with all of the features above are still quite inexpensive, and the extra features help you scan your electronic devices for potential bugs much more quickly. If you suspect that someone's using a bug to listen in on your conversations, purchase a bugged equipment detector—they're easy to use and will let you quickly hunt for any bugs that may be planted in your phone or other electronic devices.

Start de-bugging today by reaching out to a company with bugged equipment detectors, such as Spy Shop Store.

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